Hello Beautiful Souls,

Autumn is my favorite time of the year. In CA we really don’t get much Autumn weather. It did spike into the triple digits in October, not fun. This blog is a bit later than I had planned, but it’s still in the 70’s at the beginning of Dec. This is pretty normal for us. 

However I still like to indulge in Pumpkin spice, everything from lattes to baked goods. I did a lot of baking in October and continuing into that trend in November, December won’t be much different. lol I’ve also been cooking a lot of hearty foods to eat along with the season. I continue my love of all things pumpkin till February, then it moves to chocolate and berries. lol 

Which brings me to the tea. I love to find amazing tea blends to drink for the season, and my local tea shop did not disappoint.

Chado Tea

Chado has a large selection of loose leaf teas and a beautiful tea room to visit. The staff is always friendly and extremely knowledgeable on all the teas. https://www.chadotearoom.com/

Let’s get into their new fall blends. These fun names caught my attention immediately of course. 

Basic Witch blend:

Ingredients – Sencha green tea, Apple Pieces, Ginger Root, Carrots, Cloves, Safflower, Natural Flavor

Black Magic blend:

Ingredients – Black Tea, Apple Pieces, Ginger Root, Carrots, Roasted Mate, Cloves, Caramel Pieces, Natural Flavor

This is my favorite out of the three blends. It tastes like a desert, that caramel flavor really pops, but it’s not overpowering. This is really nice with a touch of almond milk and honey. 

Dia De Los Muertos blend:

Ingredients: Rooibos, Apple Pieces, Ginger Root, Carrots, Cloves, Chocolate Pieces, Natural Flavor

Tea can enhance a mood.

This was a really fun way to get into the spirit of the fall season. It’s much healthier than eating holiday themed candy. No tricks to be found, just treats. These teas were wonderful with a touch of honey, very much in the area of dessert teas. These would go really well with some dark chocolate and tea sandwiches.  In fact these teas are well suited to do a whole themed tea party around. 

Have you ever hosted a tea party before?

I know a lot of us are still isolated due to the virus, but It would be wonderful to get a group of your friends together for a virtual tea party. Each of you could make a fun treat that would complement these teas or some of your favorite teas.

We would love to know if you decided to host a tea party.  

Be well on your Journey
